Friday, June 22, 2012

Mind the cliffs please! It's a tid bit windy!

Today we didn't have class so we had an ISA day trip to Dorset which is on the coast line. It was a two hour train ride to Dorset. But it was pretty fun we finished up planning our Dublin trip with the other Sarah and Jennae and we also tried out our British accents with the phrase "mind the gap" which you here all the time on the tube and the trains. Once we got to the train station we boarded coach coach buses and four of us were in the back four seats squished when we realized there was only six people on a sixteen person bus. So needless to say we moved! The first stop was Corfe Castle, which is in ruins because it was destroyed during Normandy and the Blitz. But it was still very cool to see! At the foot of the hill was a mid-evil village and we ate lunch here, the village was awesome to walk through but all the doors were shorter than me! From there we went to the Jurassic Coastline which was awesome!!! We were up on this really high cliff and the shore was below it was just awesome! It was very windy, windier than Ohio so you had to be very careful around the edge. We saw Dorfle Door which was awesome to, it is the picture I hope will post to the blog after I'm done writing. (I have been having a hard time getting the pictures to post, so we will see) We walked down these really narrow steps to the beach which was pebbles instead of sand. And me and Jennae were trying to touch the water without getting our shoes wet when a big wave came in and as we were running away we both fell, it was funny haha. Then when it was time to head back me Sarah and Sarah decided to be one of the few to hike a mile and a half over this really steep hill. It was crazy because I wasn't even wearing tennis shoes just Sperry's which aren't made for hiking, I didn't think we were ever going to stop heading up. But the hike was worth it! The view was spectacular from the top! But the walk down was almost worse because it was gravel, I may or may not have almost fell several times. After that we headed home and relaxed because the hiking wears you out! That's it for now because it's time for me to hit the hay!

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